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The memories of coming back from school and going on my xbox 360 to play this game are coming back, this game is amazing.


loved this game on the xbox


Thank you!

Just bought this because my wife wanted to play with me, but we can't figure out how to rotate the camera? Is there a manual with all the controls for pc?

Ah, sorry - there's not a manual with windows controls.  And unfortunately, there's no camera rotation on the PC version.  The whole game should be playable without rotation - even on console, we only allowed a slight brief swing to one side or another, and the game is designed to be played from one angle without camera management needed.


Is there controller support? It doesn't seem to work with controller.

Unfortunately, there's no controller support in the Windows version.


Thank you for responding, I figured it out. I used a controller emulator called DS4 and mapped it to the keyboard configuration listed in your read me word document. It was simple and works! I’m sure others will have this questions later, I would recommend they research DS4 controller emulator but need to caution the download source, wouldn’t want anyone getting a malware. Love this game!


Great!  Nice job working that out, and thanks for following up!


You can also just use steam. see my comment below!

Hi i have a question how do i play online because i am very confused on how to play with my friend

There's some info on this page about it, but here it is for your convenience:

Network Play:  You can play with another player over a LAN network or over the Internet.  For play over the internet, one of the players will need to set up port forwarding (e.g. see ) for port 17432.  This is technical, but fairly common for multiplayer games.  If you don't understand port forwarding or don't want to do it, then please don't purchase the full game expecting multiplayer play.  There is no matchmaking service for A Kingdom for Keflings on Windows.

Okay thanks

Hello, I downloaded the windows edition and am unable to get the game. My computer refuses to download it stating it contains a virus and automatically deletes everything before any download can be completed. No matter what course of action I take to adjust the download protection parameters or the way I go about downloading it, I still get the same results.

Hi.  When you download, do you have any kind of "more" or "advanced" button you can click to save the file despite the warning?  What anti-virus are you using?

You should be getting the game itself from  the Download button or from here:

When I download to Windows, using Microsoft Defender as my anti-malware software, I get no virus errors.

There's a known false-positive coming from Gridinsoft anti-virus, if you use that (or use something that references its database).  We've scanned and double-checked with other anti-virus software and there's no issue.

If you're ultimately still unable to download the game, we can request a refund for you.

hey just asking btw, but i downloaded the demo and i was just scanning it on virus total and it says Trojan.Win32.Agent.oa!s1 by Gridinsoft just to confirm is this a error with the virus checking, sorry i am just being caution about this.

Thanks for asking, and I understand your caution.  This Gridinsoft result is a false positive.  I looked into this and Gridinsoft is evidently a sketchy product itself (see reddit threads about Gridinsoft).

No other anti-malware product detects an issue, including manual scans I did again just now with Windows Defender and Malwarebytes, which I trust.

ok thank you

Please port this to steam, This is one of my favorite games. I love your games ninjabee.  I wanna be able to play them all in one spot with ease!

Thanks!  The most likely next game on steam will be an adaptation of A World of Keflings, but unfortunately I can't promise anything soon!

This gets my hype train going! love you guys hope to see it soon.

Please patch the game so that it can find the key file after it is placed in the install folder


My friends and I played this game so much on xbox when it came out, instant buy for us. Are you guys still pursuing World on PC? Thanks for the game!


We are still pursuing A World of Keflings on PC!  Unfortunately, no timeline to announce yet.  We're mostly caught up in contract work to pay salaries, but AWoK on PC is where I'd like to be putting our effort next.

I purchased this game now finding out it was still available for Windows, I played the WOK Windows 8 demo back when I was a kid which is what brought me to love the Keflings games, sadly I didn't have the means to purchase the Windows 8 version back then and till I could it was no longer available...

This game is good though, not as fun(ny) with there being no cutscenes with the Keflings and all that fancy stuff but I still love it so I want to ask: with the current expansion of the Windows on ARM market would you perhaps consider building an ARM version as well, be it ARM32 or ARM64? (I did notice ARM32 compiled programs seem to use less power so I have a slight preference for it, at least when I build stuff)

It would be great for playing it on the go and seeing as the Windows 8 version of WOK was available for RT (ARM32) it may not be that hard.

Although looking at the game logs it seems to be using OpenGL which isn't exactly available on WoA but there's the Microsoft provided package which allows some programs to use OpenGL and then there's also ANGLE or even GLDirect (which may work considering how old this seems to be), all 3 of which support/have been ported to ARM (GLDirect only to ARM32).

Thanks for the suggestions and technical details!  The most likely place we'll put new efforts is into a new build of A World of Keflings, so hopefully we'll get what you want into that!  Nothing to announce, unfortunately, and no timeline we can promise yet.


Hey, Steve, dumb question. I understand that KFK is a bit older now, but how would I go about adjusting the settings to allow controller use like was on the XBL version?

Also, I'd like to add my voice to those who've suggested Steam release. I know Steam is a rather demanding platform, but with the resurgence of nostalgia for older games like KFK and WOK, especially amongst those who used to be on XBL and moved to PC gaming. It could flop, but I don't know if it would, given the success of games like Rollercoaster Tycoon and Terraria. 

I hope you're doing well, my dude. Stay upright.

Wow, I got way behind on comments.  Sorry about that.  I am staying upright, but sometimes just barely!  :)

We'll try to have a look at controller support, but I think anything that even requires a new build will have to wait for A World of Keflings on PC, which is something we're looking at again, especially for a Steam release.

Thanks for the comments!

Life gets crazy at times, I understand. I'll be on the lookout for a Steam release. I'll definitely be one of the first to pick it up when/if it launches! Stay safe, my dude.

Hello. I've bought this game before using the email: "" Is it possible for you guys to see my earlier purchase? I forgot to write down the product key i got, and now i can't find it.

Nice to see that you guys are still around! Would be great to have all your games on Steam and GOG with cloud saves, achievements, and all.

Also, what was the reason to release the WiiU version of A World of Keflings only in NA? My modded WiiU saved the day tho so I had the chance to play the splitscreen mode which was really cool. It also had multiple languages to choose from so I'm a bit confused why it never came over to europe.

If I recall correctly, the reason was partly political and partly practical - releasing in Europe on the Wii-U (at the time) required a new contract with a different part of Nintendo, with new hoops to jump through.  I think we knew by then that the Wii-U release was not going to recoup what we had spent on it, so it didn't make sense to spend even more time/money for a smaller market to also flop in.  :(

I hope you can bring this game and its sequel to Steam. Actually, it would be awesome if you could release them on Switch with Mii support! I know there was going to be one for the Wii U, but I don't know whatever happened to that.


A World of Keflings was indeed released on the Wii U, with Mii support, updated art, and additional content included.

We're looking at the possibility of releasing A World of Keflings on Steam.

would you add kingdom for keflings as content for world? since I was thinking about buying this game again on pc but if i could buy worlds and be able to play both games again Id loved to. also is whalebunny the new name for ninjabee or are you working with them to bring it to pc? since they had a reply 13 days ago

Haha, woops!  I was signed in to the wrong account like a dork.  WhaleBunny and NinjaBee are not working together. 

I'm Steve, the lead designer of the Keflings games.  In my view, A World of Keflings is everything A Kingdom for Keflings was, and tons more, so it wouldn't add anything to include Kingdom as content in world.  But thanks for the suggestion!

The Wii U version was never available in PAL regions, so unfortunately I never got to play that version.


I'd certainly give a +1 to the vote for World of Keflings (or a sequel?) on Steam - I'd have to buy 3 copies or my daughter would never forgive me!

Putting in a bit of an avatar maker, to make up for the lack of X-Box avatars, would be a much appreciated move.

Hey! You should put the game either in the game pass, steam or something for PC. And controller support would be appreciated. A game I use to play younger on Xbox 360, so great to play again <3


Hi!  Thanks for the feedback.  We've been talking about bringing A World of Keflings back and putting it on Steam   We'll see!

A re-release on Steam would be much appreciated! I feel like A World of Keflings is in a somewhat hard to access state for people looking to replay it, given the Windows 8 version doesn't run on Windows 10, isn't for sale anymore, and the only other option is picking up an entire older console.

Is it possible to use one's Xbox Avatar on the PC version? ='D

(2 edits)

I'm sorry to say it's not supported in this version of the game.

would it be possible to add a optional login to your Microsoft account so u could use your avatar? also Cloning Clyde and Ancients of Ooga are on steam so hype!  Hope you are able to put this one on steam as well.  I will buy it 10 times


Haha, thanks!  We would be happy with just one purchase and 9 mentions to your friends!  :)

Right now, no plans to use Xbox Avatars, but we'll look that it if/when we bring A World of Keflings to PC.


would it be possible to  have the xbox controls be included in this...? I prefer playing this game with the controller and I was sad to find out through the demo that I can't just lean back with a controller in hands to play. I suppose I could use xpadder, but it'd feel smoother to just have official controller support in there.


I'm with you - it's annoying, and I wish we had included gamepad support.  Sorry about that!  If we do A World of Keflings on PC, we'll consider that more seriously.


oh my god yes please, i loved this game, thank you ninjabee for making my childhood


Thank you!


you can just add it to your steam library.  That allows you to use any controller u want even ps3 or Nintendo switch!

adding a game to my steam library doesn't magically give it controller support lol, the devs themselves have to implement that functionality.

(1 edit)

Once you add the game to your steam library all you do is open big picture,  go to controller settings.  You can map the key press to a button on the controller.  I have done this myself its the only way I play a Kingdom for Keflings because i don't like mouse and keyboard!  it is literally a three step processes so it is kind of magic.  If you would like help my steam name is the same as my name you can add me and I would gladly walk you through it.  have a great day!  ;) 

this process works with all games and almost any controller!

keep up the good work ninja bee we all love you


plz put this game on steam?

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