For people who bought the game before it releases on steam, are we going to have to buy the game again on Steam? Or will we have the chance to download the Trial version on Steam and use the licensing key we bought beforehand to turn it to the full game?
These are two different games. A Kingdom for Keflings (this game) is on A World of Keflings (the sequel) is coming soon on Steam. (We plan to release A World of Keflings on at some point as well, if you prefer buying here.)
We did drop the price of Kingdom here to better reflect its status as an older smaller game. The second game (released 2 years after the first) is much more. If you're unhappy with your purchase here, we can try to get you a refund through If you feel this game should be delisted or you're still unhappy, let me know! Players keep telling me they like Kingdom for nostalgia reasons and don't want it to go away. We don't currently plan on releasing Kingdom elsewhere, just here on
G'day all, for those of you trying to install/play on a Valve Steam Deck, you need to run all the install programs via "add program to steam" and in settings changing to manual compatibility - PROTON 9.X.X
Then for the actual "AKingdomForKeflings.exe" changing the settings to manual compatibility - PROTON 7.X.X
using proton HF, Experimental, 9.X.X, or 8.X.X will give you a error 126 "Missing OpenAL32.dll" error
Thanks NinjaBee for a great piece of my childhood back - still waiting on an official KFK release on steam though! controller support is """fun""" :)
itll be available on steam? ill probably buy it then. i wonder, how would the character you play as look on the steam version? from what i remember, on the xbox 360, you played as your xbox avatar.
The version of the Keffling's theme in the Steam Trailer sounded far crisper than the console versions, is it rerecorded or just uncompressed? And will the rest of the soundtrack be redone? The Keffling's ost is my childhood, and my go-to relaxing music now, so having an official OST release that isn't cruchy as all hell would be amazing!
The music is not re-recorded. I think the one used in the trailer was uncompressed. We've reprocessed the music for this AWoK release, but if it sounds crunchy to you, feel free to yell at us about it (e.g. on our Discord server ) and we'll revisit! Still discussing the option of an OST release.
Just wanted to echo the support for getting WoK and KfK on Steam-- with the steam deck being my favorite invention since AC or sliced bread, I've been looking everywhere for various games I played and loved as a kid. While it's possible to play KfK on the steam deck with some work, I would 100% pay a premium to have it and WoK in the steam store... Definitely remember this game fondly and I hope to be able to play for years to come!
One of the Devs mentioned that they were thinking about it a while back. I was just hoping that it would be sooner rather than later. Just like you, my friends and I would also by at least 10 copies.
hello, sorry to be asking this here but I'm trying to unlock the full game, however i can't find the registration name or key in my email. Am i doing something wrong?
Hi Sydney, no problem. If you want, you can email for help with things.
If you've purchased the game on, you'll have access to download a text file that has a license key in it. (at the top of this page, you should see something like "You own this game" and a download button). You also should have gotten an email with a link to the downloads page for this game. If not, let me know through
You can grab the name and key from the license key text file and enter them in the game to unlock the full version.
Sorry to be asking this here, I bought the game on your Website but it seems that the Map Packs are only available here. Will I need to repurchase the game in order to get them?
You can get them from our website as well: There's a button there that says "Windows DLC". If you click that, you should be given options for dowloading the map packs for Windows.
Thank you guys so much for releasing this on pc, I played this game on the xbox 360 and I loved it. I have been wanting to play this game so bad but I did not want to buy a 360. This game is truly life changing.
Hello, I'm from Mexico and I just bought the license to be able to enjoy the game, but it's not in Spanish and I don't understand English much, does anyone know if I can change the language :C
Hola, también soy de México y tuve la misma duda, investigué un poco y no pude encontrar nada, la versión de Xbox 360 (que puede ser jugada en Xbox One y Series X/S con la retrocompatibilidad) si tiene traducción al español muy bien lograda.
¡Hola! Se puede cambiar la idioma si está dispuesto a editar un archivo técnico.
En la "fsall" carpeta es un archivo "settings.ini", que se puede editar con qualquier text editor. Agregue esta línea en alguna parte.
Guarde el archivo. Reinicie el juego y el texto debe estar en español.
Es posible que haya algún texto que no se traduzca correctamente (razón por la cual esta no es una configuración en los menús), pero debería estar hecho al 99%.
Hi! If you mean two players on a single computer, that's not a feature in this game. (It was something we added to the sequel, A World of Keflings, which isn't available on Windows yet).
If you mean playing over a LAN with two computers, you can connect using the options under the Multiplayer menu in-game.
Ho-ly shit. I just set my 360 back up and have been loving playing WoK on 360. Probably won't play it on PC because I really like the Xbox avatar but oh my God seeing it ported over officially is true bliss
Unfortunately, no controller support. I'm sorry about that! We're working on getting A World of Keflings adapted to Windows, and our intention is to support controllers there!
Is there a list of PC controls that I can find somewhere? I seem to remember being able to dance on the 360 in order to attract unassigned Keflings... very useful as they wander around. Is that action available on PC?
I think all necessary controls should be accessible from the mouse. You can do some things, but not everything, with the keyboard.
Unfortunately, dance-to-attract keflings (among other emotes) is a feature in the sequel game A World of Keflings, which isn't available on PC yet but will be some day!
Is there anyway to turn buildings on a kingdom for keflings? Just got the keep built and was gonna build walls around it but realized the walls just face straight so I can't make a square... I'm on Xbox by the way
Nope, no way to turn buildings. They're designed to look a certain way from a certain angle, and have very boring backsides. :)
You can build walls around things - the scene you see in the background of the main menu is an example of that. Walls connect automatically with each other when you place them next to each other.
Unfortunately, I think that's an action you can't do from keyboard... When you're facing a building, you should see an action button at the bottom of the screen to punch the building, and you can click that button to punch. Punch it three times to break it down.
I threw in an extra dollar for this. Please get on the steam port for World of Keflings, I loved it as a kid and would love a more permeant way to own it.
Yep, send an email to and I can send you instructions, but the short version is to edit the settings.ini file, remove the semicolon from the start of ";Adapter = 1", and change that number to pick a monitor.
We've got plans for AWoK on Steam, at least, and presumably, but haven't had time yet to get to that project, despite our best intentions. At some point yes!
Sorry about that - if there's no "Adapter" line already in the settings.ini, you can just add one (anywhere, but in the [GRAPHICS] section makes sense.)
Just make sure it looks like
Adapter = 1
(without a semicolon). Then experiment with that number to pick the monitor you want.
Hi NinjaBee! First off, wanted to say I love keflings and it was one of my most played games on XBLA. I would love to see more kefling games one day and can't wait to see what you come up with!
How do I create a short cut on my computer? I can only locate the download files in my file manager and not the actual game to run. I would like to have easier access when I want to play. Thank You!
The game is usually installed somewhere like C:\Program Files (x86)\NinjaBee\AKingdomForKeflings\ . The executable itself is "A Kingdom for Keflings.exe". You can right-click that to create a short cut there and move it, or right-click-drag somewhere else (e.g. desktop) and choose "Create shortcut here".
I loved this game on my Xbox 360, I'm so glad it's still alive and doing well! With World of Keflings being another success, are you planning on creating any games for current-gen consoles or PC? Much love, Jago <3
Loved this game when I was growing up, decided to get it to relive the memories however I cannot get the game to run past 640 x 480 resolution, tried adjusting it through the fsall folder and cannot click the graphic button in the settings without the game crashing and saying " error: access violation at 0x005032D7 (tried to read from 0xFFFFFFFC), program terminated". Any help would be appreciated :)
This was my childhood and i was never able to play the ful version. now im here with my full version happier than ever. honestly, i couldn't ask for anything better
Hi NinjaBee, I was wondering if you guys had any plans of adding the old ability to play as our XBOX avatars within the PC version of the game since they have made it possible to load and use avatars on PC through the xbox game bar.
I remember trying this on an Xbox as a kid many years ago. Suddenly remembered it existed, and I'm pleasantly surprised to see the PC version is still up and you guys are still actively responding.
Definitely going to pick this up now and relive some memories. Cheers, NinjaBee team 👍
Been making a game very much alike to this game minus the keflings themselves and with quite a few other features just hoping when i release it you guys wont sue me LOL. I'd love to meet some of the devs for this game, i think its a masterpiece and super unique!
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For people who bought the game before it releases on steam, are we going to have to buy the game again on Steam? Or will we have the chance to download the Trial version on Steam and use the licensing key we bought beforehand to turn it to the full game?
Hi! Interesting question.
These are two different games. A Kingdom for Keflings (this game) is on A World of Keflings (the sequel) is coming soon on Steam. (We plan to release A World of Keflings on at some point as well, if you prefer buying here.)
We did drop the price of Kingdom here to better reflect its status as an older smaller game. The second game (released 2 years after the first) is much more. If you're unhappy with your purchase here, we can try to get you a refund through If you feel this game should be delisted or you're still unhappy, let me know! Players keep telling me they like Kingdom for nostalgia reasons and don't want it to go away. We don't currently plan on releasing Kingdom elsewhere, just here on
G'day all, for those of you trying to install/play on a Valve Steam Deck,
you need to run all the install programs via "add program to steam" and in settings changing to manual compatibility - PROTON 9.X.X
Then for the actual "AKingdomForKeflings.exe" changing the settings to manual compatibility - PROTON 7.X.X
using proton HF, Experimental, 9.X.X, or 8.X.X will give you a error 126 "Missing OpenAL32.dll" error
Thanks NinjaBee for a great piece of my childhood back - still waiting on an official KFK release on steam though! controller support is """fun""" :)
Wow! I didn't know this was possible. Thanks very much for the notes!
We're working on an official Steam release of A World of Keflings now!
I used to love this game as a kid, my sister and I used to play this game so much on my old Xbox 360.
i remember playing the demo for this in my xbox 360... i might buy this one day. maybe.
same, also "A world of keflings" will be available on steam. I'll buy both, this was my childhood game xD
itll be available on steam? ill probably buy it then. i wonder, how would the character you play as look on the steam version? from what i remember, on the xbox 360, you played as your xbox avatar.
Yep. The Steam version of AWoK has a very simple avatar with a few custom options. See
cool, th
The version of the Keffling's theme in the Steam Trailer sounded far crisper than the console versions, is it rerecorded or just uncompressed? And will the rest of the soundtrack be redone? The Keffling's ost is my childhood, and my go-to relaxing music now, so having an official OST release that isn't cruchy as all hell would be amazing!
The music is not re-recorded. I think the one used in the trailer was uncompressed. We've reprocessed the music for this AWoK release, but if it sounds crunchy to you, feel free to yell at us about it (e.g. on our Discord server ) and we'll revisit! Still discussing the option of an OST release.
God damn, and here I thought the PC version was lost to time
I played this on my xbox 360 years ago... I don't know what to say
Just wanted to echo the support for getting WoK and KfK on Steam-- with the steam deck being my favorite invention since AC or sliced bread, I've been looking everywhere for various games I played and loved as a kid. While it's possible to play KfK on the steam deck with some work, I would 100% pay a premium to have it and WoK in the steam store... Definitely remember this game fondly and I hope to be able to play for years to come!
I think this game would do very well on Steam. As well as World. Shocked it’s never been added.
Any news on porting this game and world to steam?
I also would like to know if you guys ever plan on bringing this to Steam. I know myself and all my friends would purchase it!
One of the Devs mentioned that they were thinking about it a while back. I was just hoping that it would be sooner rather than later. Just like you, my friends and I would also by at least 10 copies.
Steam multiplayer for easier invites and achievements would be amazing. It's already on PC so please make it happen NinjaBee!
A World of Keflings is being ported to PC and will be available on Steam. It just got announced today, here's the teaser trailer.
Yes I saw this and I am incredibly excited!
Seeing this just unlocked so many memories from my childhood
hello, sorry to be asking this here but I'm trying to unlock the full game, however i can't find the registration name or key in my email. Am i doing something wrong?
Hi Sydney, no problem. If you want, you can email for help with things.
If you've purchased the game on, you'll have access to download a text file that has a license key in it. (at the top of this page, you should see something like "You own this game" and a download button). You also should have gotten an email with a link to the downloads page for this game. If not, let me know through
You can grab the name and key from the license key text file and enter them in the game to unlock the full version.
Sorry to be asking this here, I bought the game on your Website but it seems that the Map Packs are only available here. Will I need to repurchase the game in order to get them?
You can get them from our website as well: There's a button there that says "Windows DLC". If you click that, you should be given options for dowloading the map packs for Windows.
Sorry for the late reply. Thank you for getting back to me so quick and I did find it! I appreciate it, I love your games!
I agree with Lucki Thanks so much! I hope A World for Keflings could also come to pc some day!
Thank you guys so much for releasing this on pc, I played this game on the xbox 360 and I loved it. I have been wanting to play this game so bad but I did not want to buy a 360. This game is truly life changing.
Thank you!
Hola, también soy de México y tuve la misma duda, investigué un poco y no pude encontrar nada, la versión de Xbox 360 (que puede ser jugada en Xbox One y Series X/S con la retrocompatibilidad) si tiene traducción al español muy bien lograda.
¡Hola! Se puede cambiar la idioma si está dispuesto a editar un archivo técnico.
En la "fsall" carpeta es un archivo "settings.ini", que se puede editar con qualquier text editor. Agregue esta línea en alguna parte.
Guarde el archivo. Reinicie el juego y el texto debe estar en español.
Es posible que haya algún texto que no se traduzca correctamente (razón por la cual esta no es una configuración en los menús), pero debería estar hecho al 99%.
¡Buena suerte!
¡Hola! Vea la respuesta más abajo, por favor.
I'm so happy to see this game ! I am very happy to hear you're bringing the other one to pc too!
omg, seeing this is so nostalgic! I played a world of keflings so much on xbox! I hope that gets ported to pc soon too :)
This was the most chill games and one of my favorites on Xbox. Happy times
how do I setup local play so my wife and daughter can play together
Hi! If you mean two players on a single computer, that's not a feature in this game. (It was something we added to the sequel, A World of Keflings, which isn't available on Windows yet).
If you mean playing over a LAN with two computers, you can connect using the options under the Multiplayer menu in-game.
Ho-ly shit. I just set my 360 back up and have been loving playing WoK on 360. Probably won't play it on PC because I really like the Xbox avatar but oh my God seeing it ported over officially is true bliss
Awesome. Thanks for playing our games on whatever platform. :) Also, I'm impressed that you have an Xbox 360 that's still functional!
Hey wife and I are huge fans of the game is there anyway to use a controller instead of mouse and keyboard for kingdom for keflings?
Unfortunately, no controller support. I'm sorry about that! We're working on getting A World of Keflings adapted to Windows, and our intention is to support controllers there!
Oh my goodness, I thought you guys had vanished from the internet. It's so good seeing the first keflings game finally put on pc!!!! Thank you!!!
Thank you! We're (very slowly) also working on the second Keflings game for PC, when we have time!
Is there a list of PC controls that I can find somewhere? I seem to remember being able to dance on the 360 in order to attract unassigned Keflings... very useful as they wander around. Is that action available on PC?
I think all necessary controls should be accessible from the mouse. You can do some things, but not everything, with the keyboard.
Unfortunately, dance-to-attract keflings (among other emotes) is a feature in the sequel game A World of Keflings, which isn't available on PC yet but will be some day!
Is there anyway to turn buildings on a kingdom for keflings? Just got the keep built and was gonna build walls around it but realized the walls just face straight so I can't make a square... I'm on Xbox by the way
Nope, no way to turn buildings. They're designed to look a certain way from a certain angle, and have very boring backsides. :)
You can build walls around things - the scene you see in the background of the main menu is an example of that. Walls connect automatically with each other when you place them next to each other.
ohhhh thanks!
Is there a list of PC controls available? I am trying to break a building.
Unfortunately, I think that's an action you can't do from keyboard... When you're facing a building, you should see an action button at the bottom of the screen to punch the building, and you can click that button to punch. Punch it three times to break it down.
I threw in an extra dollar for this. Please get on the steam port for World of Keflings, I loved it as a kid and would love a more permeant way to own it.
Thank you!
Im trying to use an xbox 1 controller to play and its not working. Is there any controller compatibility for the pc version of the game?
Unfortunately, no. Sorry about that!
Is there a possibility we can get A World for Keflings on Itch as well? I would really rather not create a Microsoft account to play the game.
Also, I am experiencing an issue with A Kingdom for Keflings where I cannot choose which display the game runs on. Any advice on how to resolve that?
Yep, send an email to and I can send you instructions, but the short version is to edit the settings.ini file, remove the semicolon from the start of ";Adapter = 1", and change that number to pick a monitor.
We've got plans for AWoK on Steam, at least, and presumably, but haven't had time yet to get to that project, despite our best intentions. At some point yes!
My game settings file doesn't have ";Adapter = 1"
Sorry about that - if there's no "Adapter" line already in the settings.ini, you can just add one (anywhere, but in the [GRAPHICS] section makes sense.)
Just make sure it looks like
(without a semicolon). Then experiment with that number to pick the monitor you want.
Hi NinjaBee! First off, wanted to say I love keflings and it was one of my most played games on XBLA. I would love to see more kefling games one day and can't wait to see what you come up with!
Thanks very much!
This is the game that got me into gaming and im glad i randomly thought about purchasing it, thanks for making my childhood awesome.
Thanks for already being awesome!
How do I create a short cut on my computer? I can only locate the download files in my file manager and not the actual game to run. I would like to have easier access when I want to play. Thank You!
The game is usually installed somewhere like C:\Program Files (x86)\NinjaBee\AKingdomForKeflings\ . The executable itself is "A Kingdom for Keflings.exe". You can right-click that to create a short cut there and move it, or right-click-drag somewhere else (e.g. desktop) and choose "Create shortcut here".
I loved this game on my Xbox 360, I'm so glad it's still alive and doing well! With World of Keflings being another success, are you planning on creating any games for current-gen consoles or PC? Much love, Jago <3
At some point, yes! Nothing to announce for any platform, currently, though.
Loved this game when I was growing up, decided to get it to relive the memories however I cannot get the game to run past 640 x 480 resolution, tried adjusting it through the fsall folder and cannot click the graphic button in the settings without the game crashing and saying " error: access violation at 0x005032D7 (tried to read from 0xFFFFFFFC), program terminated". Any help would be appreciated :)
Hi evilgeorge. Sorry about the trouble... Could you email the details to It'll be easier for me to follow up there! Thanks!
This was my childhood and i was never able to play the ful version. now im here with my full version happier than ever. honestly, i couldn't ask for anything better
Thank you!
Hi NinjaBee, I was wondering if you guys had any plans of adding the old ability to play as our XBOX avatars within the PC version of the game since they have made it possible to load and use avatars on PC through the xbox game bar.
No plans to do this with A Kingdom for Keflings any time soon, but we'll look into it, maybe for AWoK.
Do you want to do join the summer bundle, submit your game here
This game is my full on childhood, I'm so glad I can still play it now. You guys are amazing! Thank you!
Thank you!
So I know that Handful of Keflings might not have done well on steam, but have you ever considered putting Kingdom, and World onto steam as remasters?
We are planning on it, at least for World!
I would die to play world of keflings again !
I remember trying this on an Xbox as a kid many years ago. Suddenly remembered it existed, and I'm pleasantly surprised to see the PC version is still up and you guys are still actively responding.
Definitely going to pick this up now and relive some memories. Cheers, NinjaBee team 👍
Thanks very much!
Been making a game very much alike to this game minus the keflings themselves and with quite a few other features just hoping when i release it you guys wont sue me LOL. I'd love to meet some of the devs for this game, i think its a masterpiece and super unique!
Thank you! I look forward to checking out your game!